Main objective is to provide Cheap flight tickets to the users
New Delhi: If you are thinking about booking a flight for your travel, then here's a good news for you. This information is going to be very useful for you. Google Flights has updated its Price Guarantee feature. Basically its main objective is to provide flight tickets to the users in lower prices.
Specifically, After the flight ticket is booked, if the price of the ticket is later reduced, the money will be refunded to the user. The feature is currently available in the US under a pilot program. If you follow the details, Google mentioned in its blog post that this feature is a price guarantee program that is going to help with ticket booking. This feature will keep track of the flight price before daily departure. Also, the user will get a refund with the help of Google Pay.
It is worth mentioning here that this offer will be available only on selected flights. The guaranteed flight offer is only applicable when tickets are booked using Google Flights. According to the company, any user will get a maximum refund of 500 dollars. It is also mandatory that the price difference is more than $5, only then one can avail the benefit of the feature.