Punjab School Education Board Unveils Schedule for Class 10th Examinations, Commencing on February 13, 2024
Punjab Board Class 8 Exam Date Sheet 2024: In a significant update, the Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) has released the official datesheet for the upcoming Class 10th examinations. Students and parents alike can now access the schedule for the exams set to begin on February 13, 2024, and conclude on March 6, 2024. Students are advised to prepare accordingly and make note of the specific dates for each subject.
To facilitate easy access to the datesheet, the PSEB encourages students to visit the official website of the Punjab School Education Board. The datesheet is expected to be readily available, allowing students to plan their study schedules effectively in the run-up to the examinations. The Punjab School Education Board reassures students that they are committed to conducting fair and transparent examinations.
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(For More News Apart from Punjab Board Class 8 Exam Date Sheet 2024 Latest News, Stay Tuned to Rozana Spokesman)