Harkamal Kaur belongs to village Lakhan Kalan of Kapurthala
KAPURTHALA: While Punjabis have gained positions by establishing their large-scale employment abroad and have made their mark in politics, at the same time, Punjabis are also holding the responsibility of large administrative positions in foreign countries. The daughter of village Lakhan Kalan of Kapurthala district in Punjab has set an example by joining the police department of England as an officer. She has made every Punjabi feel proud.
Harkamal Kaur
Notably, Harkamal Kaur has assumed the post of Community Support Officer in UK Police department. It is worth mentioning here that Harkamal Kaur, the daughter of Mukhtiar Singh, from the Jhandir family of the Lakhan Kalan, had obtained higher education on the soil of England. The family, friends and the whole Punjab is extremely happy on Harkamal Kaur's achievement.