The Firm Apologized to Sikh organizations & corrected their mistake.
MILAN: A Veterinary Medicine Company in Italy which desecrated the turban through its campaign apologized to the Sikh organizations and corrected the mistake. The Sikh Organisation were strongly protesting against the desecration.
In this regard, Bhai Ravinderjit Singh, President of Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee Italy, Surinderjit Singh Pandori, Chief Sevadar of Gurdwara Singh Sabha Flero and Sukhdev Singh Kang, President of Indian Sikh Community Italy said that a German company is under construction. For its veterinary promotion, Dogs and turban were photographed. Advertisements of this photo were posted on buses for promotion in seven districts.
Notably, When the Sikh organizations in Italy came to know about this, they immediately contacted the company management and they apologized to the Sikhs on this issue. The company officials assured the Sikh leaders that soon all the boards on the back of the buses would be removed. He said that the company had no idea that this action will hurt the sentiments of the Sikh community.