A case has been registered against two sons of a senior Bihar BJP leader on a complaint of a flight attendant who has accused them...
A case has been registered against two sons of a senior Bihar BJP leader on a complaint of a flight attendant who has accused them of molestation, a police official said today. The two accused are sons of Awadhesh Narayan Singh, who is a member of the state legislative council, its former chairman and an ex-minister in the Nitish Kumar government. The MLC denied the allegations against his sons.
"An FIR has been lodged at the Mahila thana (woman police station) against Sushant Ranjan and Prashant Ranjan on May 19 on the complaint of a woman, who works as a flight attendant for a private air carrier," Patna Central Additional Superintendent of Police D Amarkesh told PTI."She has alleged that the two had beaten her up and tried to outrage her modesty at the government bungalow allotted to their father," the police officer said. Police are investigating CCTV footage obtained from the bungalow and staff there is being questioned, the ASP said.
No arrest has been made so far in this case, he added. Denying the allegations leveled by the complainant, the MLC said, "I have brought up both of my sons with good values. The girl has been known to them for quite some time and she had visited my house on May 16 out of her own accord. There she picked up a fight with them and spitefully lodged a police complaint." "Nevertheless, I would request the police to conduct a thorough and impartial probe. I am confident that my sons will come out scot-free and the truth will prevail," he said.