Mexico: 40 Killed, Many Injured after fire breaks out in Migrant Detention Center

Rozana Spokesman

News, World

Migration center is very close to the Mexico-US border

Fire at migrant detention facility in Mexico kills 40

The Death Toll from fire broke down at an immigration detention center in Mexico rose to 40 on Tuesday. The migration center is very close to the Mexico-US border. According to the police, the condition of some people who got burnt in the accident is still very serious. Therefore, the death toll is feared to increase further. A team of American doctors has also arrived to help in the treatment.

According to Fox News, a fire broke out in the building of the National Migration Institute on Sunday afternoon. This center is located in the city of El Paso, some distance from the state of Texas, USA. The cause of the fire is yet to be ascertained. As soon as the fire was reported, the fire brigade and a team of doctors reached the spot. Hospitals have been put on alert. It is worth noting that Ciudad is a major crossing point for immigrants entering the United States.