Partap Singh Bajwa Claims Support of 32 AAP MLAs for Potential Government Formation

Rozana Spokesman  | Amanat Thaper

News, Punjab

Opposition Leader hinted at a possible coalition for government formation.

Partap Singh Bajwa

CHANDIGARH: Partap Singh Bajwa, the Leader of Opposition in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha, made a bold assertion, claiming that 32 members of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) are in communication with him and his associates. Bajwa, addressing reporters in Chandigarh, emphasized the potential for government formation if concerted efforts are made, highlighting the current possession of 18 MLAs by his own faction.

Bajwa reiterated his stance of contesting the upcoming Lok Sabha elections independently, expressing confidence that the Punjab government could face instability mere months after the polls. In response, AAP leaders dismissed Bajwa's claims, asserting that his aspirations of becoming the Chief Minister of Punjab are unlikely to materialize.

The Aam Aadmi Party firmly rejected Bajwa's assertions, emphasizing the loyalty of their MLAs to the party and debunking any possibility of their defection. AAP's spokesperson argued that Bajwa's ambitions have been unrealized in the past, underlining the state's current leadership and dismissing the likelihood of his ascendancy to power.