People with Disabilities to apply Online for UDID Card
Disabled People do not need to visit the railway station and stand in line
LUDHIANA: After announcing the reservation of seats for mentally and physically ill people, the Railway Department has provided more facilities for them. According to the department, now disabled people will be able to create unique ID online by visiting the website of Indian Railways. They do not need to visit the railway station and stand in line.
According to departmental information, unique ID cards will now be issued online only. As per the department, after clicking on the website and entering your name, e-mail, mobile number, you have to create your ID and login again. After this they will see the user manual available on the website, after filling the instructions accordingly, they will be able to apply for the unique ID. This information will reach the commissary department of the Divisional Railway Manager. Commercial department will verify the medical certificate submitted by them from the concerned hospital and after completion of the whole process, unique ID will be generated by DRM office. After this, the applicant will be able to download it after logging into the public portal.
According to the information, during this process, from applying for RD card to its generation, all the information will be available on the portal. It is worth mentioning here that earlier, on behalf of the disabled, one had to go to the station superintendent or CPS office and fill the form and after verification by the local authority, a unique identity card was issued from the DRM office. This process used to take a lot of time. The new system will save time as well as provide convenience.