Man arrested with 1 kg heroin in WB


News, Nation

The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), Eastern Zone, today arrested a person and seized a kilogram of heroin from him in Murshidabad district..

Narcotics Control Bureau

The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), Eastern Zone, today arrested a person and seized a kilogram of heroin from him in Murshidabad district, a senior official said. Acting on a tip-off, NCB sleuths nabbed the person from the Old BDO More in Domkol of Murshidabad district when he was waiting for his associate, he said. "During on the spot interrogation, the accused revealed that he took it from Malda and was waiting for one of his associates to move out from the area, the official said.

He added that the market value of the heroin was around Rs 2 crore. The accused is a resident of Itban Nagar in Domkal police station limits in the district, the officer said. "The seized drug was sourced from Malda and was to be sent to Bangladesh," he added.