ISRO Scientist N Valarmathi, Renowned for Her Role in Chandrayaan-3, Passes Away

Rozana Spokesman

News, Nation

Chandrayaan-3 Stands as a Poignant Memory of her Last Countdown

N Valarmathi

NEW-DELHI: India's space endeavors are shrouded in sorrow as the nation mourns the loss of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) scientist N Valarmathi. She passed away on Saturday evening in Chennai, leaving a void in the organization. Valarmathi held a special place in the hearts of space enthusiasts for her crucial role in the Chandrayaan-3 mission, where she was the voice behind the countdown.

N Valaramathi's contributions to ISRO were significant and noteworthy. She served as the project director for India's maiden indigenous radar imaging satellite, Reset, showcasing her dedication to the advancement of the country's space program. Her untimely demise, attributed to a heart attack, has left the scientific community in shock and mourning.

Former ISRO scientist Venkatakrishna expressed his grief over Valarmathi's passing, lamenting that her distinctive voice would no longer grace the future missions of ISRO launched from Sriharikota. Chandrayaan-3, in particular, stands as a poignant memory of her last countdown.

Chandrayaan-3, the mission in which Valarmathi played a pivotal role, took flight on July 14 from the Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota. After a successful journey, it touched down on the lunar surface on August 23. The mission's rover, known as 'Pragyan,' successfully completed its lunar tasks before entering an inactive or "sleep mode." Notably, the APXS and LIBS payloads are now disabled, with their data being transmitted back to Earth through the lander.

Valarmathi, who hailed from Ariyalur, Tamil Nadu, made her final announcement on July 30. Her remarkable contributions to India's space endeavors have left an indelible mark, and her legacy will continue to inspire future generations of scientists and space enthusiasts.