Enjoy Homemade Creamy Pasta: A Delectable Recipe for the Family

Rozana Spokesman  | Amanat Thaper

Lifestyle, Food

Creamy Pasta Recipe: Whip up a Creamy Pasta Feast with Simple Ingredients and Easy Steps

Creamy Pasta Recipe: Easy and Homemade

Creamy Pasta Recipe: In the realm of homemade delights, here's a mouthwatering recipe to elevate your culinary skills, Creamy Pasta, a savory treat that promises to tantalize taste buds. Laden with a medley of vegetables and a velvety cream base, this dish is not only delicious but also a breeze to prepare.


Pasta (200 gm)
Finely chopped Cabbage (1 cup)
Finely chopped Carrot and Capsicum (1 cup)
Butter (2 big spoons)
Cream (100 gm)
Salt (as per taste)
Grated Ginger
Black Pepper (as required)
Lemon Juice
Green Coriander (one tablespoon)

Method- Boiling the Pasta

- Bring a sufficient amount of water to boil in a vessel. Add half a teaspoon of salt and 1-2 teaspoons of oil to the water.

- Once the water reaches a boil, add the pasta and let it cook. Stir occasionally. After 15-20 minutes, when the pasta is tender, strain it in a colander, and rinse it under cold water to remove excess starch.

Cooking the Vegetables

- Finely chop cabbage, carrot, and capsicum while the pasta is boiling. Heat butter in a pan, add grated ginger and all the vegetables. Stir for two minutes until the vegetables soften.

- Introduce cream, salt, and black pepper to the vegetables. Stir well and cook for an additional 1-2 minutes. Mix the cooked vegetables with the boiled pasta. Stir for an additional 2 minutes, then turn off the heat. Add a splash of lemon juice and garnish with green coriander, mixing well to infuse flavors.

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Your homemade creamy pasta is now ready to grace the dinner table with its rich and delightful taste. Indulge your loved ones in this culinary creation that strikes a perfect balance of simplicity and gourmet goodness. Whether it's a family dinner or a treat for yourself, this creamy pasta recipe is sure to leave everyone craving for more.

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