How to make Potato Chips at home? A Step-by-Step Guide to Perfect Crispy Delight

Rozana Spokesman  | Amanat Thaper

Lifestyle, Food

Bring the Flavor of the Market to Your Kitchen with this Easy Potato Chip Recipe

How to make Potato Chips at home? Full Recipe

How to make Potato Chips at home? In a world where snacking knows no boundaries, homemade potato chips stand as a timeless favorite. Whether it's a cozy evening at home or a gathering with friends, the allure of crispy, golden potato chips is undeniable. Elevate your snacking experience by crafting these delectable delights in the comfort of your own kitchen.


- Potatoes (quantity as desired)
- Salt (to taste)
- Water (for washing and boiling)
- Oil (for frying)

Step 1: Preparing the Potatoes

Begin by peeling the potatoes and soaking them in water. To ensure the perfect chip thickness, use a chip cutter. It's crucial to keep the cut potatoes immersed in water to prevent discoloration.

Step 2: Washing Away Starch

Once all the potato chips are ready, thoroughly wash them under running water. This step is essential to remove excess starch, preventing the chips from turning yellow during frying.

Step 3: Boiling the Chips

In a large vessel, bring water to a boil and add a pinch of salt. Introduce a quarter of the potato chips into the boiling water, stirring gently. Boil for 5 to 6 minutes, keeping the lid slightly ajar to avoid spillage. Be cautious not to overcook; the goal is perfectly tender chips.

Step 4: Draining and Drying

Using a colander, drain the boiled chips and spread them evenly on a soft cloth. Allow them to air-dry for 7 to 8 minutes. If the chips show signs of drying before the designated time, flip them after 4 to 5 hours. It is advisable to use a cloth like an old chadar or saree but never a plastic one.

Step 5: Storage

Once completely dry, transfer the chips to a plastic or stainless steel container. In many Indian households, these homemade potato chips become the perfect accompaniment to evening tea after a quick fry.

Embark on a culinary adventure with this simple yet effective recipe, and savor the satisfaction of indulging in market-quality potato chips right from your own kitchen. Enjoy the crunch!