When Daniel Craig came face-to-face with real spies at CIA


Entertainment, Special Interview

Daniel Craig, who plays the famed fictional British spy James Bond, had a face-to-face meeting with real life spymasters during...

Daniel Craig-CIA

Daniel Craig, who plays the famed fictional British spy James Bond, had a face-to-face meeting with real life spymasters during his visit to the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) headquarters in Langley, Virginia.The visit was part of CIA's 'Reel vs. Real' event, which was recently launched by the agency to "demystify the CIA's mission by comparing what's seen on TV to what happens in reality".According to CIA's official blog, the 50-year-old actor met with their leadership and workforce and was apprised that "real life espionage is a lot more 'cloak' and a lot less 'dagger' than presented in the entertainment world of spy vs spy".